Sunday, November 16, 2008

time for another update

you want some?, originally uploaded by MNicoleM.

So I've had a request to blog again lol (apparently someone actually reads this crap!) I'm going backwards in time to summarize life since July :-) mostly in pictures ...and FYI for a lot of the pictures on this post - when I use the program to make the quick mosaics, I can't custom crop so it looks like I chopped heads off and/or didn't center photos or whatever - I swear the original photo isn't like that :-)


Today I took photos of our friends and neighbors ...

Yesterday we went to a baseball card show (woohoo) and Chris met Otis Nixon
Chris and Otis Nixon2

Thursday I took pictures for a coworker's family

On Nov 2, my husband turned 38 years old...
Chris's 38th birthday

In October I took pictures of another coworker's little boy

and of my cousin Caden

also in October we painted pumpkins

and my friend Heather came from Maine to visit
Georgia Peaches

to go to the NKOTB concert with me (which was AWESOME btw)

Oh yeah - and Gigi turned four on October 14th (and Alanna turned 16 on the 13th but she is in Illinois so I have no pictures of that) :(
'Gigi's birthday

In September ... we learned about circles at school lol

and there was the Mitsubishi Putt Putt tournament that I've already blogged about but here are some more pics

In August, I turned 30

School started
First day of school 08

We went to see Elmo Live
Elmo Live

and I took Gigi to Six Flags which she insisted on calling "Five Flags"
Gigi Six Flags

And that catches everyone up to the last update post which was during the summer
Summer Fun

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Thanks! What a bunch of cute kids!